Why Copper over Apptivo?

Why not use a CRM that actually reduces your manual data entry workload instead of adding to it?

  • Natively integrates with Gmail so you don’t have to BCC emails to log them into the system
  • Automates sales activities like capturing lead contact details and social profiles
  • Empowers you to manage more than just a sales cycle with account management features

Why cheaper isn’t always better.

Copper helps you spend less time entering data and more time on what you do best: selling.

You’re tired of BCCing your emails.

Copper was specifically designed to fit right into your email with the Gmail Chrome Extension. You don’t have to BCC emails to your CRM to save them—or log into a CRM to send an email. Every email you send or receive is automatically captured under the right account and in one centralized place.

You can’t find any of your sales or customer data.

With Copper, you can view your sales pipeline in a visual board or in a list view—your choice. In just a few clicks, you can add filters to narrow your search and sort it in multiple ways (because it’s your data and you should be able to see it how you like). Don’t have the last name of your prospect? No worries. Just use the global search bar: Copper will retrieve all relevant matches from your database for you.

Your reports don’t help.

Copper’s built-in reports show you insights you can drill into to make better decisions right away. Need to dig deeper to uncover more? You can easily export reports with the G Sheets add-on. Did we mention that Copper’s connection to Google Data Studio (an awesome business intelligence tool) lets you create and share reports with the entire team?

See why Copper is Google’s #1 recommended CRM.