Inside sales software

Need a complete view of your sales pipeline and customer journey? Copper’s inside sales tool helps you track important customer data—and work opportunities more efficiently.

  • Improve sales team efficiency and productivity
  • Never let sales opportunities fall through the cracks
  • Know the path to hitting your number
  • So intuitive, the entire team will adopt it in minutes
Inside Sales Featured Image

Capture, convert and nurture leads.

Inside sales involves high-touch transactions over phone and email. Copper not only helps you capture and qualify those leads quickly, but also automates repetitive tasks and logs activity so you can effortlessly manage a high volume of leads. With email-open tracking and deal alerts, you’ll be able to prioritize the hottest leads and generate pipeline faster

Building pipelines has never been easier.

Copper offers multiple drag-and-drop pipelines that are completely customizable to your process. Drag deals from one stage to another and drill down to see interaction history and sales activities in a click. With visual status indicators, you can see the status of opportunities instantly, identify stalled deals, and see if deals are progressing. Who doesn’t love being able to forecast accurately and hitting quota?

Automate the busy work and watch the deals close faster.

Copper automates the repetitive tasks and follow-up steps in your sales process so reps can close more deals, faster. With pre-built dashboards and reports, you’ll have a real-time view into rep performance and what has changed in your pipeline over time. You’ll basically be the best manager ever.

Because you have deals to close.

Get a free 14-day trial of our inside sales CRM, you won't regret it!