Sales Forecasting Software

Looking to improve forecasting accuracy? Copper sales forecasting software will help you track sales data of any kind, in any timeframe, so you can estimate the close date of each deal and know if you’ll hit sales quota.

  • Early warning on deals at risk
  • More timely and accurate forecasts
  • Deal-specific insights to drive rep accountability
Sales Forecasting Hero Image

Accurate data means accurate forecasting.

Rolling up a forecast is a tedious and error-prone weekly activity—and doesn’t always portray what’s happening on the sales floor. Without accurate data, you can’t deliver an accurate forecast. Copper’s zero data technology inputs all activities and changes in the deal status so you get live opportunity data that you know is accurate.

Forecasting doesn't have to be complicated.

Say goodbye to spreadsheet wrangling. Think of Copper’s out-of-the-box forecasting reports as a roadmap to a reliable sales outcome. Copper’s forecasts are simple and intuitive so you can drill into each deal to see different deal stages and weighted forecasts. It’s never been easier to monitor the health of your business, plan ahead for future quarters, and manage the next steps for each opportunity.

Better sales forecasting enables better performance.

Need to check how closely a rep’s forecast aligns with their final bookings? Copper’s built in sales forecasting allows you to see individual deals by stage, amount, and win probability right from the reports. Not only does it help hold sales reps accountable, it also lets you see their progress in real time and improve their accuracy over time. Know which reps are on track to beat their targets and which aren’t, so you can help them hit quota.

Start forecasting with confidence.

Say goodbye to messy spreadsheets with a free 14 day trial of Copper!