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CRM reporting in 2021: Searching for the Holy Grail

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Author photo: Christina Scannapiego

Christina Scannapiego

Director, Content Marketing

More than a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, many small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are still struggling to grasp exactly how they fared in 2020—and how they’ll come out of 2021—amidst an uncertain economic landscape.

It’s more important than ever for SMBs to have complete confidence in their understanding of the health of their businesses, through comprehensive and reliable data reporting.

But do they?

We recently surveyed more than 100 sales and marketing professionals to examine how and why so many SMBs across industries use multiple data reporting tools to cobble together the story behind their business’ wellbeing.

And the stark reality is that most companies simply don’t rely on a single source of truth for their business reporting—including their customer relationship management (CRM) system. Nor do they have a whole lot of confidence in the numbers they are receiving. It’s a struggle shared by companies big and small, but what can we do about it? Where's the “holy grail?”

Our recent report on the 2021 state of CRM reporting, we explore:

  • Common challenges with data analytics and reporting around lead generation, and customer acquisition and retention
  • Business leaders’ thoughts on using their CRM to report on the health of their business
  • Where there’s room for growth
  • Tools for simplifying data reporting around key business growth metrics
  • And more

Get the report here.

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