Erica Hayton
We spend a lot of time focused on writing the perfect email subject line for a business letter greeting. After all, the subject line often determines whether or not a prospect opens the message in the first place.
But email subject lines, and a strong greeting, don’t convince people to convert — the closing line does, whether its in a formal email, or informal letter.
While an interesting subject line to a formal letter can improve your open rates and help get your message in front of more people, the action ends there. To get your prospects to the next phase of the process, you need to have a strong closing to your letter.
Your email closing line sets the tone for how you end your message. It leaves readers with a memorable thought, prompts them to take action, or gives them a can’t-resist proposition that encourages them to reach out for more.
The email closing line you select will depend on what outcome you’re trying to achieve. To help you write stronger emails that get more replies and conversions, here are some powerful email closing lines to use in different scenarios.
Make a connection with the right tone.
Finding some common ground can help you set the right tone, and establish an initial connection with your prospects in a business letter. When you identify commonalities throughout your letter, you make yourself more familiar and it can be easier to strike up a conversation.
Making a connection early on in your professional email can also put your prospect at ease. When you’re able to chat about your shared interests, it can be easier for prospects to open up to you about goals, challenges, or needs.
Here are some email closing lines that can help establish commonality:
- “P.S. I noticed from your Twitter that you’re an avid traveler. What is your favorite place to visit?”
- “By the way, I’m also a huge fan of the [sports team]! Did you watch the game this past Sunday?”
- “I see that you’re located in [city]. What is your favorite restaurant in the city?”
- “I noticed in your LinkedIn that you attended [school]. What made you choose that school?
- “I see that you attended [industry event/conference] last year. Who was your favorite speaker?”
These kinds of closing lines to business emails and professional emails require a bit of research on your prospect before reaching out. However, the personalized approach for a letter closing makes your prospect the center of attention—proving that you’re paying attention and increasing the chances that you’ll get a reply to your formal email.
Extend an offer.
Your email closing line, and style of your writing, can be a great way to introduce your products or services to a prospect without seeming overly pushy. By extending an offer that clearly benefits your prospect in your business email closing lines, you’re able to establish yourself as someone just looking to help.
A simple offer to the formal letter that includes an introduction, a free report, or an analysis of the prospect's business acts as a “free sample” of what you’re capable of. This helps to get your foot in the door to then ask for bigger commitments further down the road.
Here are a couple of email closing lines that involve extending a simple offer to your prospects:
- “I took a look at your website and had a few ideas for blog posts that your audience might be interested in. Do you want me to send them your way?”
- “I have an awesome checklist I think you’d find useful. Do you want me to share it with you?”
- “I see you’re gearing up to open a new location in [city]. I know some great individuals in the area who would be perfect for your team. Want me to make an introduction?
- “I noticed [issue] on your site. Would you like me to run a full analysis for you?
- “I’ve been monitoring your social sites and [issue]. I can share some of my favorite strategies for [solutions] if you’d like.”
Pointing out a minor problem and offering a solution in a closing phrase can help you add value to your messages. However, you don’t want to overextend yourself in a professional email closing, or try to bait-and-switch your prospects.
If you’re making an offer to run a report, don’t then turn around and try to sell them a high-priced package when writing a formal closing. Focus on establishing trust and credibility, for your letter closing, at this stage.
Ask for more information.
Your email closing line is a great way to prompt prospects to share more information about their needs, challenges, and priorities. Use this opportunity to ask a question that helps create a dialogue with your prospects.
Use the information you already have on a prospect to create more personalized questions. For example, if a prospect has downloaded an eBook from you, base the questions you ask on the content they’ve already engaged with.
Here are a few examples of business email closing lines.
- “Have you already tried implementing a [industry] tool? Which one?”
- “Is reducing [issue you can solve] a top priority for your team at the moment?”
- “In what ways are you struggling to [solution you provide]? How are your current tools lacking in supporting you?”
- “Were any tips your recent download, [name of content], helpful? Have you tried any before?”
- “Did you have any problems with similar products in the past? What were they?”
When crafting a formal closing, encourage your prospects to open up about the challenges they’re facing or the goals they’re looking to accomplish. Remember to listen. While you might have a product or solution you want to push, you want to absorb as much information as possible to ensure you’re giving your prospects the right offer.
Make your prospects think.
You don’t always need to end your emails with a question in order to get a reply. Sometimes a thought-provoking statement for conclusions to business emails can get your prospects to stop what they’re doing and pay attention to your business writing.
Ending your emails with a statement, fact, or just some food for thought can make prospects think about your message for the rest of their day. This is particularly useful if you’re trying to stay top-of-mind to prospective customers who may still be considering your product or solution.
Here are some ideas of thought-provoking statements you can use to close an email:
- “This strategy helped [company] increase profit by [amount] last year alone.
- “Our [program] received two national awards last year.”
- “Companies using a CRM can see a 40% increase in sales forecast accuracy.”
- “Implementing a tool like this could double your conversion rates.”
- “Not taking the right precautions could put your company information at risk.”
Ending your email before your email signature on a statement rather than a question or traditional closing phrase can help create a sense of urgency. While you’re not encouraging a dialogue with your prospect, you’re giving them information that makes it clear why your product or service is important to them. They’ll want to reach out to see what you can do to help.
Give a clear call-to-action (CTA).
A call-to-action is probably the most obvious way to end an email. However, when it comes to business writing and a CTA, you want to be sure that the call-to-action you’re giving aligns with where the individual is in the sales process. In a professional email closing, you don’t want to push for an action or behavior beyond what your prospect is prepared for.
For example, downloading a free eBook isn’t a big ask for someone in the awareness stage of the sales cycle, but they’re not likely to sign up for a free trial so early. On the other hand, someone ready to make a purchase probably doesn’t need a checklist PDF.
Here are some CTAs you can use to end your emails:
- “Are you available at 3 p.m. Thursday for a call?”
- “Let me know by [date] if you’re interested and we can set up a time to get started.”
- “Download the [name] eBook.”
- “Join us for a live webinar Tuesday morning at 9. Click here to register.”
- “Sign up for a live demo here.”
Make your call-to-action as clear and simple as possible for professional emails. If you’re trying to set up a live training or call, offer the date and time in email endings, rather than leaving it open. This initiative can put some pressure on the prospect to commit and prevent them from disappearing. If it doesn’t work for them, you can always suggest something new.
Get more replies with better email closing lines.
The last line of your email should make just as much of an impression as the first, whether you’re writing a professional email or informal letter, and you should be giving an equal amount of attention to your email closing line as you are the subject line.
To make a stronger impact with email closing lines,, pay close attention to where your prospect is in the sales funnel and what information they might need at that stage. Focus on building trust, listening to what your prospect is looking for, and ultimately giving them an action that moves them to the next phase of the sales funnel.
Regardless of the email closing line you choose before your email signature, make it personal. While it takes more time to tailor each closing line to the specific prospect you’re connecting with, a more detailed and targeted message can increase conversions and help you significantly improve email replies.