How to End a Sales Email: 30+ Ideas for Email Sign-Offs Other Than “Thanks”

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Author photo: Cole Nemeth

Cole Nemeth


Sending emails is something most of us have to do on a daily basis. In fact, in 2017, the average office worker received 121 emails and sent out 40, every day. When you work in sales, this number might be even higher.

For some people, starting the email might seem like the hardest part, with most of their time and energy focused on the body of the email. Which leaves the sign-off as the part a lot of people overlook.

Instead of putting some thought into it, most of us simply say, “Thanks” or “Regards.” In a study from Boomerang, "Thanks” actually came up as the number one most popular sign-off followed by “Regards."

If you want your sales emails to stand out amongst the hundreds of other emails people receive each day, you might want to consider using an alternative. Fortunately, there are many (really good) options to choose from.

Here’s a list of 33 brilliant email sign-offs for you to choose from. They’ve been grouped into four different categories, depending on the situation and your relationship level with the recipient: formal, appreciative, and laid-back.

Formal email sign-offs

Most of the time in business, you’re going to want to use a more formal sign-off. This is usually the case when sending emails to new prospects, existing clients, as well as upper management and your boss.

Really, any time you send an email to someone you don’t know very well, or is above you, you should err on the side of formality. This will make you look much more professional.

All my best - Simple, but considered proper etiquette.

Don’t hesitate to contact me - For when you’re actually hoping for a response to your email.

I can work around your calendar - Professional, yet is a great way to let the recipient know you want to set a meeting.

If I can be of assistance, reach out any time - This is a great way to end an email in which you have assigned some sort of task or answered a question. It lets the recipient know if they have any additional questions or need help, they can reach out to you without hesitation.

Keep up the great work - Use this sign-off when you want to end the email with a compliment to show recognition of their accomplishment.

Let me know if you have any questions - If the recipient might need to know more than what you’ve sent but you aren’t sure.

Looking forward to hearing from you - This is another good email sign-off to use when you’re hoping to get a response.

More soon - Use this if you plan to send more information to them.

Respectfully - This sign-off should only be used in situations where being formal is a must, like when addressing upper management. Otherwise, some people find it to be too formal.

Speak with you soon - Only to be used if you’ll actually be speaking with them soon.

Thanks, and let me know if there are any hold-ups - When you need feedback or a task completed quickly.

Wishing you a wonderful day - An upbeat sign-off that evokes positive emotions.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this - Another upbeat, optimistic way to end an email while also letting the recipient know you want their feedback.

Appreciative email sign-offs

Showing your appreciation can go a long way, even when expressed in an email sign-off. Emails that closed with some sort of variation of “thank you” got significantly more responses than other popular closings.

Appreciate your help in answering my question - This can be an effective way to end an email when you’re hoping to get a response.

Can’t thank you enough - Use this sign-off when responding to an email you found truly helpful.

It was great working with you - If you teamed up with someone to solve a problem or complete a task, this is a great way to let them know you enjoyed working with them.

Thanks in advance - In a study done in 2017, this email sign-off got the highest response rate at 65.7%.

Thanks for your hard work - If you worked on a project with someone, or they did something for you, this is a way to show your appreciation when ending the email.

Thank you for your consideration - Usually used when something didn’t work out the way you wanted to, but it’s still important to show you appreciated the opportunity.

You’re the best - Only use this when you are truly grateful for something they’ve done for you, or sent to you.

Friendly email sign-offs

There are some situations in which it’s perfectly okay to use a more friendly email sign-off. (For example, with your actual friends.)

In a workplace setting, you might use a friendly sign-off with co-workers whom you’re close with, or even some existing clients, depending on the level of relationship you have with them—but only if they used a friendly tone first.

Here are a few options to choose from for these instances:

Cheers - This is a popular email sign-off in the UK, which pretty much translates to “thank you.” Only use this sign-off it’s something you’d actually say in-person.

Have a good one - A friendly way of saying “have a good day.”

Have a great week/weekend/holiday - A simple sign-off, but leaves the recipient feeling good about the near future.

Hope this helps - Use this when you send something you hope is useful to the recipient.

I owe you - A casual way of saying thank you.

Looking forward to it - This should be used when you’re agreeing to plans.

- The emoji. Again, best used only when emailing friends or family.

Stay awesome - For when you’re familiar with the recipient and want to show them you care.

Stay tuned - You can use this sign-off if you plan to send more information later.

Talk soon - The less formal way of saying “speak with you soon” and again, should also only be used when you do plan on speaking with them soon.

Typos courtesy of my iPhone - A lot of people have this already included when sending emails from their iPhones. It’s a great way to explain briefness and any typos or autocorrected words that may appear.

Which email sign-off will you use?

There are many different email sign-offs you can use. Usually, the more comfortable and familiar you are with the recipient, the more creative you can get.

Not only that, but what your email is about and what you hope to receive in response should also factor into how you end your email.

There are a few extra things to keep in mind when writing your email sign-off:

  1. Keep it short and simple, with black font or subtle colors that match your organization’s brand.
  2. Include your contact information.
  3. Only use an image if necessary; otherwise, don’t. The company logo is usually included here, but don’t make it too big.
  4. Never include a cheesy quote, no matter how inspirational or hilarious you think it is.

Remember, carefully crafting your email sign-off is a great way to leave a final impression on the recipient. Now go forth and write some brilliant sign-offs.

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