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What’s new in Copper: Mobile app, pipelines and file experience enhancements

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Author photo: Jessica Andrews

Jessica Andrews

VP Marketing

We’ve been hard at work over the last few months improving our overall user experience. Here are some of the highlights!

Increased Pipeline visibility & functionality

We’ve made creating and using Pipelines in Copper more intuitive.

When you create a new pipeline, you’ll be greeted by a new setup flow that will ask you to name your pipeline and stages. An animation will show you what your new Pipeline will look like once you’ve saved it.

We’ve also made some improvements to Pipelines on mobile. Not only are Pipelines now compatible in landscape mode, but you can also see more stages in your view, and reduce your need to scroll. Plus, you can drag and drop your opportunities to move them down your pipeline — saving you extra time.

In the next few months, we’ll start rolling out additional features to make your pipeline-building process even easier. Stay tuned!

Improving your file experience

We’re making it easier to work with your important files in Copper.

You can now add attachments to bulk emails you send from Copper. This means there’s no need to individually send multiple emails with the same content.

We’ve also made it easier to look at files you’ve already attached to a person, company or opportunity record. Now, when you hover over a file, you’ll be prompted to preview the file, which will open it in a new tab by default. You’ll still have the option to download the file if you need to. In addition, you now have the ability to unrelate files that are no longer relevant.

This is just the tip of the iceberg for ways to better contextualize the documents surrounding your customers. Learn more about our added file organization capabilities here.

We're hard at work on more features — stay tuned!

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