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Copper news - 3 min READ

Say bye to Wyndy and
hi to Copper

Our Wyndy learnings + Copper = a comprehensive platform for service-based peeps

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Author photo: Jessica Andrews

Jessica Andrews

VP Marketing

Last June, the Copper team launched Wyndy, a standalone offering focused on easy relationship management. We originally felt what Wyndy offered needed to be a standalone product, as it was built for users whose use cases were not met by CRMs.

Image of Wyndy

After conversations with our users, we realized that to build effective relationships, business owners and leaders needed to handle each stage of the client journey in a single platform.

We’re sad to be closing the Wyndy chapter — but we’re turning the page to build a new version of Copper along with a bunch of other game-changing enhancements.

With the transformed Copper, you’ll be able to take your clients from initial interest to lifelong loyalty with a unified tool that lets you:

  • Collect their details in easy-to-build forms

  • Keep them engaged by nurturing interest

  • Stay on top of your opportunities with them

  • Align and share details on their active projects

  • Collaborate effectively with their team

  • Maintain relationships over time

See how Copper is listening to service-centric businesses and actively building a product that meets your needs by watching our Coffee with Copper session from December 2023.

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