Customer Communication Hero
Customer Communication Tools

10 Best Customer Communication Tools of 2019

And a CRM that ties all your relationships together.

How streamlined is your customer communication? If you care about your bottom line, you want to answer customer questions fast. Poor customer service costs businesses roughly $335 billion a year worldwide—but an effective communication tool can tip the balance and boost your ROI. Here are nine of the best customer communication tools of 2019:

keep in touch with your customers

Intercom large
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Keep customers engaged with targeted emails and push messages. Need more customers? Intercom uses bots and live chat to qualify and convert more leads faster.

Right Message large
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RightMessage delivers the “right message” to each visitor to create the ultimate user experience. Personalize chat messages, pages, email copy, and a whole lot more.

Chatfuel large
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Chatfuel’s intelligent chatbot increases open rates and makes sure you don’t miss out on customer inquiries. Don’t believe me? Netflix, Visa, Lego, BuzzFeed, and a boat load of other big names love Chatfuel. They must be doing something right.

Mobile Monkey large
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MobileMonkey is a DIY chatbot builder that automates customer communication, hypes products and increases engagement.

Smooch large
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Smooch collects all your messages from platforms like WeChat, Facebook Messenger, and Twitter and puts them in one place so that you can cut the hassle out of customer communication. Integrate with chat apps, SMS messages, email, and embeddable SDKs.

Tape A Call large
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TapeACall records iPhone conversations with the push of a button. It’s like trapping insight in a bottle (or a phone) and sharing it with the world.

Fresh Desk large
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An incredible free tool—FreshDesk’s interface allows companies to manage customer requests without getting bogged down by repetitive tasks. You could say it cuts back on workload like a barber cuts hair.

Live Agent large
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Use LiveAgent’s universal inbox to put all your messages in one place and bring some order to the chaos of customer communication.

Team Support logo
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TeamSupport is a comprehensive customer support tool designed to boost ROI, streamline communication, and improve customer satisfaction.

Help Scout large
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Help Scout

Help Scout makes it easy for customers to reach out with a friendly, unintimidating user interface—complete with chatbot, help doc creator, and email support.

What’s your favorite customer communication tool?

Customer communication is evolving fast, and the most engaging tools are novel, unique, or new. Right now, chatbots are hot, but a few years from now some other medium might dominate the digital scene.