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Our favorite e-signature tools for 2024

Discover the top e-signature tools of 2024 that work seamlessly with Copper CRM.

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Author photo: Jemicah Marasigan

Jemicah Marasigan

Content Marketing Manager

E-signature tools have become essential for businesses of all sizes. They streamline the signing process, enhance security, and reduce the time spent on paperwork. Here are some of our favorite e-signature tools available in 2024 that also integrate with Copper CRM.

Google Docs

Did you know you can accept e-signature within Google Docs? As of August 2023, select Google Workspace plans can request and capture e-signatures in Google Docs. And since Copper automatically organizes your important files from Gmail, any signed documents will also appear in your People, Company and Opportunity records too.


DocuSign is the most popular e-signature product on the market, and helps teams connect and automate how they prepare, sign, act on and manage agreements. DocuSign integrates with Copper, and allows you to auto-pull in contact details and file information, view document status in Copper, and store related documents in People and Company records.


PandaDoc provides an all-in-one document workflow automation platform that helps fast scaling teams accelerate the ability to create, manage, and sign digital documents including proposals, quotes and contracts. PandaDoc is great for sales teams as it lets you easily track documents that have been sent out. With PandaDoc's Copper integration, you can send documents for signature right from Copper CRM, and build proposals using Copper fields.


Portant may be the newest kid on the block, but it offers some compelling features for digital signing. Integrated closely with Google Workspace andCopper, Portant allows you to automate document workflows and obtain signatures seamlessly. It’s particularly useful for educational institutions and smaller enterprises looking for an easy-to-use, yet powerful, e-signature solution.

Better Proposals

Better Proposals stands out by focusing on creating visually appealing and highly professional proposals that can be signed electronically. Its built-in e-signature tool makes closing deals quicker and more efficient. The platform offers analytics to track how proposals are being viewed, allowing businesses to follow up more effectively. WithBetter Proposal's Copper integration, you can use pre-populated fields to pull important information into your documents.

In conclusion, each of these e-signature tools offers unique features tailored to different needs, while also working well with Copper CRM. Whether you’re a small business, a sales team, or part of a large enterprise, there’s an e-signature solution that can meet your requirements and help you streamline your document signing process.

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