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Introducing the new Copper X Mailchimp 2-way integration

CRM and email marketing, perfectly in sync

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Author photo: Luke Lihou

Luke Lihou

VP of Product Management

Our new Mailchimp integration has arrived. We’re doing a little jig over here — the updated Copper X Mailchimp sync is that super-smooth.

Thanks to feedback from customers, we listened and updated our Mailchimp integration to include a super-smooth 2-way sync, field and tag mapping and engagement metrics. And it’s a total game-changer.

This upgrade means both databases are always current — and no email or lead gets left behind. Sales and marketing can now stay aligned at all times with full visibility into each team’s campaigns and activities.

Take a look for yourself:

Elevate your email marketing

Our new 2-way functionality lets you do more than ever with Copper and Mailchimp working together:

Automatically add or remove contacts in both Copper and Mailchimp

Keep your entire customer base up-to-date in each system with automated sync. Perfectly mirrored data across Copper and Mailchimp helps ensure every new lead hears from you — and no deal gets left on the table.

Segment smarter with automatic syncing of fields and tags

You want to keep your company top-of-mind for customers and prospects, and now you can with more personalization capabilities. Bring in the right customer details through 1:1 sync of fields and tags between Copper and Mailchimp — so you can build email marketing lists with significant detail and context and drive better results.

Access the full picture of audience engagement, all in one place

View audience campaign performance and engagement directly in Copper — no more switching tabs to view analytics in Mailchimp. With a full view of a relationship’s engagement inside Copper, you know how individual contacts are interacting with marketing messages and who’s ready to take action.

New email marketing possibilities for Copper customers

Our updated Mailchimp CRM integration opens up tons of possibilities for automating email marketing. Long-time customer JBGoodwin uses Copper for agent recruiting, and has seen a 300% jump in the number of outbound recruiting emails sent with our Mailchimp integration compared to 3 years ago — efforts that have contributed to a 37% increase in sponsored agents.

The customer successes don’t end there. Check out more customer use cases here.

Get started with Copper X Mailchimp

If you’re a current customer, install or upgrade to the new Mailchimp integration by following these steps.

Not yet a Copper user? No worries — grab a free 14-day trial to test out Copper X Mailchimp for yourself.

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Instant activation, no credit card required. Give Copper a try today.

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